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Zhejiangyanpeng Non-woven Machinery Co.,ltd,located In Pingyang Economic Zone, Wenzhou City,is A Large-scale Enter Prise Producing Pp Spunbonded Nonwoven Fabric Production Line. Our Company Has A Large Number Of Professional Engineering And Technical Backbone.......

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GħALIEX Agħżel l-Istati Uniti

  • Yanpeng Siewi
    Yanpeng Siewi

    Marki tal-Kwalità tal-Karattru

  • Missjoni tagħna
    Missjoni tagħna

    Environmental Protection Technology Innovation

  • Ispirtu Yanpeng
    Ispirtu Yanpeng

    Persist in the end, never give up before success




Focus on the hot spots in the industry, here you can have a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of Yanpeng, here you can read Yanpeng.

YP-SS proċess ta 'installazzjoni tal-makkinarju tad-drapp mhux minsuġ
YP-SS proċess ta 'installazzjoni tal-makkinarju tad-drapp mhux minsuġ

Zhe jiang Yanpeng Nonwoven Machinery Co.,Ltd provide customers with non-woven fabric production equipment

Ara kollha
X'inhu Meltblown mhux minsuġ minn Meltblown Unwoven Magni li Jagħmel Drapp?
X'inhu Meltblown mhux minsuġ minn Meltblown Unwoven Magni li Jagħmel Drapp?

Zhejiang Yanpeng Nonwoven Machinery Co., Ltd is a professional manufacturer specializing in the research and development of non-woven production lines.

Ara kollha
Avvenimenti ta 'wirja ta' Zhejiang Yanpeng Nonwoven Machinery Co., Ltd f'April 2023
Avvenimenti ta 'wirja ta' Zhejiang Yanpeng Nonwoven Machinery Co., Ltd f'April 2023

Zhejiang Yanpeng Nonwoven Machinery Co.,ltd is going to attend the INDEX™ 2023,which is the World Leading Nonwovens exhibition, taking place at the heart of Europe in Geneva, Switzerland.

Ara kollha
Għarfien ta 'drappijiet mediċi mhux minsuġa minn drapp mhux minsuġ li jagħmel makkinarju għal prodotti mediċi
Għarfien ta 'drappijiet mediċi mhux minsuġa minn drapp mhux minsuġ li jagħmel makkinarju għal prodotti mediċi

Non woven fabrics are widely used, such as in packaging, furniture, agricultural products, protective products, and medical and hygienic products.

Ara kollha

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